Distal Jet distalizer orthodontic model appliance retainer uses compressed super-elastic coil springs to apply a constant distalizing force to the molars.
The retainer appliance is anchored against the palate with a Nance type acrylic button and is fixed in place by either bonding it to the occlusal surface of the premolars or bicuspids or by soldering it to bands on these same teeth.
Lengths of tubing extend distally out of the acrylic button on both sides of the arch towards the molars. Pieces of .036 wire fit into the tubing on one end and into lingual sheaths on the first molar bands on the other end.
A locking mechanism slides over the tubes and a length of coil spring is fitted over the .036 wires. By loosening a hex screw in the locking mechanism, the orthodontist can slide the mechanism distally there by compressing the coil spring.
The hex screw is then tightened in the new position which keeps the coil spring compressed and causes it to direct a distalizing force against the molars.
Orthodontic retainer model features excellent demonstration and teaching tool for orthodontic dental schools and Students who desired to learn, practice orthodontic techniques in dental school, at home, on the go. This techniques a mast foundation of future professional orthodontic practice.