Magnetic CHI shoes provide reflexology invigorating massage magnetic therapy trough the feet. Design with strong power 550 Gauss Biomagnetic Uniformed Magnetic Field Core, to cover All Trigger Points through the Entire Surface of Each Foot. Designed with BioMagnetic Reflexology Massaging Domes ( 41 in each Magnetic Slipper ). Foot Reflexology is "acupressure therapy" and involves applying focused pressure to certain known reflex point located in the feet Foot Reflexology is based on Chinese Traditional Therapy, that our Nerve Zones or Reflex Points located on the bottom of our feet connected through Energy Meridians with the top of our Head and Internal Organs, invigorating all Vital Organs on the way. Magnetic Reflexology Massage Domes Strategically Located for Stimulation & Massaging all Reflexology Trigger Points in Humans Feet. Special Magnetic Shoes Configuration with Magnetic Massage Domes stimulates and Massage Reflexology Points on the Soles of your Feet while you walk. Stainless steel springs under the Reflexology Domes will gently adjust the pressure on your feet and promote pleasurable Reflexology Massage when you walk. The Invigorating Effect of the Magnetic Therapy has to do with the Stimulating Reflexology Points in the Feet that Lead to all Parts and Organs of the Human Body. When Reflexology Points are Stimulated through Magnetic Field & Massage Domes, the Energy Meridians Unblock, the CHI Energy and Blood Circulation Improved and Starts Flow Free Through, and the Whole Body Feels Energized, Balanced & Harmonious. Using Magnetic Shoes for 15 min. a day (optimal Time) they promote: Energize and Invigorate the Entire Body and Internal Organs, Promote Vitality, Blood Alkalinity, Increase Micro Blood Circulation in the Feet. Can be used after Wake Up, after Bath, in office or home when you want to relax. Can be used with Sox with sensitive Feet. Attention: Drink more water after massage. Do not use Reflexology Shoes within half an hour after meals. Do not use Reflexology Shoes when you in pregnancy or menstruation. Do not use Reflexology Shoes when you taking a shower. Drink more Water after Reflexology Massage with CHI Shoes. Available in Two Sizes: Man or Women ( Select When Ordering ). Velcro Size Adjustment.