Dental X-Ray Manikin Complete Adult
This Dental X-Ray Manikin design us a special model with: Magnetic Typodont Radio-Opaque Metal Teeth, Bite-Opening Adjustment instrument, Flexible Cranium Mask, Chair Mount and Latex Tongue. Radio-Opaque Jaws mounted on Magnetic Quick Disconnect Trays with Sliding Clamps Assembled on Chair Mount (Complete).
X-Ray simulator produce sharp clear film picture, same as a real life-like human patient teeth, and shows: teeth, crowns, cavities, root canals, bone, tissue.
The Soft Flexible Skin-Like Flexible Cranium Mask Included with Manikin, made of strong, hard to brake Vinyl. Provides Life-Like Patient Simulation and long years of usage. Flexible Cranium Mask is Extremely Durable and Resistant to Tearing. Placed over the Cranium it completes the Armamentarium necessary to prepare students for clinical dentistry.
Excellent Dental X-Ray Training Model for practicing students in Dental Schools and colleges.Used in Dental Schools by students, as a popular Dental X-Ray training model for practicing performing Dental X-Ray images. Functional manikin used to simulate a patient for use in Dental Training in a School Setting. Heavy-Duty Chair or Bench Mounts are made in a high Quality, Stainless- Steel, material with non-stainles portions, clear coat. Full Floating Streamline ball Joint rotates a Full 360 degrees allowing virtually any head Position desired. To lock simply rotate lever 1/4 turn.
Flexible Finger on picture - DISCONTINUED, NOT INCLUDED - NOT NEEDED
- Head Manikin
- Jaws mounted on Magnetic Quick Disconnect Trays with Sliding Clamps
- Radio-Opaque Metal Teeth
- Soft Rubber Cranium Mask
- Bite-Opening Instrument
- Latex Tongue
- Chair Mount
- Chair Not Included
American-Made, every step in the production of the Dental Manikins