Dental Anesthesia Simulator Oral Injection Practice Manikin Training Phantom Head Model
Buyamag INC
Dental oral dry anesthesia manikin for practice smart simulator phantom – include:
the cranium head, the anesthesia model typodont with electronic feedback, audio and vision light sensors, upper and lower jaws model, universal chair/bench top mount, soft tissue gum, electronic indicator box.
The oral dry anesthesia manikin can be attached onto the glide bar of a dental chair as featured in the pictures. You can also attach the manikin to a bench top. The full system helps guide the student on how to get in the proper positioning when conducting injections on a patient.
The Conduction dry anesthesia model has (7) contact points on the maxillae and (4) on the mandibular.
The simulator is to be dry injected and once the needle is placed correctly inside the sensor you will hear a noise and a light on the remote box indicating the correct injection has been made.
Anesthesia Simulator can be used Without or With Dental Mount
The urethane gingiva - tissue is durable, allowing 550 ~ 600 injections into the same area before replacement.
Dry anesthesia only with this practice training simulator
The teeth are held in with ortho-wax and you can place additional ortho - wax on the tooth root and place back in the socket if needed.
The simulator can be used with Portable Floor Stand, without dental chair needed. Picture bellow.
Anesthesia Simulator can be used Without or With Dental Mount