Dental Panoramic Teeth X-Ray Simulator Maxillofacial Face Images Practice Manikin Training Phantom Head Cervical Vertebrae Skull Model
NPERZR 15451 Dental Panoramic Teeth X-Ray Training Simulator Vertebrae Manikin Model
NPERZR 15451 Dental Panoramic Teeth X-Ray Training Simulator Vertebrae Manikin Model
Buyamag INC
Dental panoramic teeth X-Ray practice simulator skull phantom head training manikin with cervical vertebrae transparent model. Tripod, carrying hard case included.

Human skull with teeth for practice panoramic image taking, safely embedded in clear plastic. The jaws are slightly open to allow dental teeth and panoramic maxillofacial images. The neck includes some cervical vertebrae. An embedded tread on base allows the use with a tripod.

X-ray phantom head with cervical vertebrae, transparent.
Including a transportation and storage case.