Ten times life-size, six teeth representative of every human tooth type are included in this series:
Lateral Incisor; Canine (cuspid); First Premolar (bicuspid) with advanced caries; Second Premolar; Detachable bridge, consisting of first Molar with gold crown; Second Molar.
Since it is nearly identical morphologically to the lateral incisor, the central incisor is not included, nor is the third molar, which is so similar to the second. Each tooth has its name hand lettered on its surface, and is removable from the transparent base. 22 handcoded features are identified in the accompanying key. Size -- 22" x 10" x 8" (56x25x20 cm) overall. hand sanding, hand painting, number-coding, labeling and autographing . 100% American-made, every step in the production. Used in dental and medical schools by teachers and students for educational programs to easily learn and understand Human Anatomy, Function and Pathology. Also used in doctors offices and legal presentations.