rapid palatal expander orthodontic model

Rapid Palatal Expander With Acrylic Pad Orthodontic Model

NPAC Rapid Palatal Expander Acrylic Pad Orthdontic Model NPAC Rapid Palatal Expander Acrylic Pad Orthdontic Model

Buyamag INC


This rapid palatal expander orthodontic appliance uses the same principle as the Haas in that its acrylic pads push against the walls of the palate as it is activated. The difference is that the screw is a Standard RPE soldered to bands and embedded in acrylic.

Orthodontic Retainer Model features excellent demonstration and teaching tool for Orthodontic Dental Schools and Students who desired to learn, practice Orthodontic Techniques in Dental School, at home, on the go. This techniques a mast foundation of future professional orthodontic practice.