The RPE (Rapid Palatal Expander) is a fixed metal expander soldered to bands on the first molars with an .036 lingual wire connecting the bands.
It provides rapid expansion of the mid-palatal suture through daily activation of the expansion screw. 1/4 turn of the screw results in 1/4mm of expansion.
Typically .5mm of lateral expansion per day is achieved by instructing the patient to activate the screw 1/4 turn in the morning and 1/4 turn at night. Screws come in 8, 11, and 13mm sizes.
Orthodontic Retainer Model features excellent demonstration and teaching tool for Orthodontic Dental Schools and Students who desired to learn, practice Orthodontic Techniques in Dental School, at home, on the go. This techniques a mast foundation of future professional orthodontic practice.