Pelvis female uterus OB 9 month pregnancy fetus removable two sizes available model: shows a median section of the female pelvis with a 9 month fetus. The left half shows the bones of the pelvis with femoral head.
Mounted on a base. Used by medical schools and universities with educational programs for students easy understand human anatomy, obstetricians, biology, female reproductive organs function and pathology.
Also used in doctors offices, laboratories, pharmaceuticals and with legal presentations.
This same model available in two sizes
Small size model: H11cm x W 11cm x D9cm ( H4.5" x W 4.5" x D3.5")
Large size model: H41 x 39 x 36cm
Features- Finely painted
- Removable Fetus
- Median Section Female Pelvis
- Pelvic Bones
- Femoral Head
- Mounted on a base
Anatomical Models