dental skull tooth extraction model

Dental Skull Tooth Extraction Model Anatomically Correct Modular 4 Part

Dental Skull Premier NPDSK80 Dental Skull Premier NPDSK80

Buyamag INC


Dental skull anatomically correct teeth extraction model, academy quality 4-part skull repli-cast from a select natural bone specimen features individual teeth with complete roots - each in its own socket.

Each skull includes a hinged flap in right mandible that swings open to expose the roots of two premolars and first two molars in their sockets, plus an impacted wisdom tooth (these are all permanently anchored),  all other remaining teeth in the upper and lower jaws are secured in their socket with a permanently-flexible cement which allows them to be extracted and reinserted.

Detachable springs permit natural articulation of the mandible as well as jaw removal. The sectioned calvaria detaches to access the neurocaranium.