ARC Maxillary - adaptation of the wraparound design is intended for those patients that may have some difficulty speaking with a standard acrylic palate, or for those that may have a severe gag reflex.
The bulk of the palatal acrylic is eliminated and a horseshoe design is substituted. A strip of a special reinforcing material is incorporated into the acrylic to prevent breakage.
ARC Mandibular - lower ARC is a variation of the 3x3 Clip design. Additional wires extend out of the appliance on the lingual sides to give the appliance more retention and to control the position of the posterior teeth.
Orthodontic Retainer & Model features excellent demonstration and teaching tool for Orthodontic Dental Schools and Students who desired to learn, practice Orthodontic Techniques in Dental School, at home, on the go. This techniques a mast foundation of future professional orthodontic practice.