Clear Invisible Retainers Ortho Models Maxillary & Mandibular

Clear Invisible Retainers Ortho Models Maxillary & Mandibular

NPAC Clear Invisible Retainer Maxilary and Mandibular Orthodontic Model NPAC Clear Invisible Retainer Maxilary and Mandibular Orthodontic Model

Buyamag INC


Invisible Retainers become more popular with orthodontic patients. You can select one: Upper or Lower Arch or two: Upper and Lower Arch. You will receive the Retainer and the Model.

Orthodontic Retainer & Model features excellent demonstration and teaching tool for Orthodontic Dental Schools and Students who desired to learn, practice Orthodontic Techniques in Dental School, at home, on the go. This techniques a mast foundation of future professional orthodontic practice.