Human Ear Model Giant Size With Anatomically Correct Outer Middle Inner Ears Structure
Buyamag INC
Human ear model giant size with removable tensor tympani, anatomically correct. Ear model giant size, 3 parts, 4 times enlarged mounted on base.
Superb representation of the outer, middle and inner ear. No compromise in quality! Shows all major structures related to hearing and balance.
Includes key card with 40 labeled Names, Numbers parts.
- External Ear:
- Helix
- Crura of Antihelix
- Auricular Tubercle
- Antihelix
- Concha
- Lodule
- Antitaragus
- Intertragic Notch
- External Acoustic Meatus
- Cartilage Of Auricle
- Cartilaginous Part of Meatus
- Tympanic Membrane
- Eustachian Tube
- Tensor Lympani
- Internal Jugular Vein
- Internal Carotid Artery
- Leteral Semisircular Duct
- Anterial Semicircular duct
- Posterior Semicircular duct
- Vestibular nerve
- Cochlear nerve
- Common Crus
- Cochlea
- Vestibule
- Oval Window
- Round window
- Copula of Cochlea
- Cone of Light
- Umbo
- Manubrium of malleus
- Tympanic membrane
- External Auditory canal
- Eardrum
- Membranous Labyrinth
- Eustachian tube
- Anterior mallear fold
- Incus
- Malleus
- Stapes
Ear teaching anatomical model designed for medical schools to help students learn and understand ear and balancing functions, structure, anatomically correct. This auricular model is great for medical schools students, doctor offices, and legal presentations.
- Stand
- Key Card Included with pictures and 16 Names
- Dissectible - 3 Parts
- Color Painted Significant Parts
Size: 14" x 7" x 8.5"