Optional Phantom Head
Buyamag INC
Most Sophisticated Dental Training Oral Anesthesia Smart Simulator, Only Dry Anesthesia Training Simulator can help Dental Students in: training, practicing, and Gain Realistic Experience, Techniques in Oral Dental Anesthesia. The Simulators Sensor Points Produce: Audio, Visual & Light Signals. Signals Indicates when Correct Point, Position, and Angle of Injection is Made. Simulator has Build-In Total 11 Sensors on Anesthetic Point Contacts. 7 in the Upper Jaw, and 4 in the Lower Jaw. Battery-powered Automatic Audio Signal, and Light Signal indicates when correct position and angle Injection is achieved. Audio signal can be turned off for testing and evaluation purposes. 3.5' feet electric Cable connecting the Simulator with Electronic Indicator Unit. Indicator Unit uses 2 AA-size Batteries (batteries not included). Pink Upper and Lower Gingivas (included) allow view of injection, making it ideal for beginning students. Phantom Head is not necessary, Simulator Can Be Used without Phantom Head. But Phantom Compatible & Easy Attaches with Simulator - allowing a more realistic training experience. Simulator Comes with 32 removable anatomically shaped Teeth.
Always remove all Teeth before peeling off the upper and lower Gingiva. Please remove the gingivas in the following order: lower > upper > left TMJ > right TMJ. The gingiva is very soft and fragile. Please use care when handling to avoid ripping. Dry Injections only can be made. DO NOT use water, anesthetic solution, or any other liquid when practicing injection on this model. Injection Syringe and Needle are ... not included. Phantom Head ... not included optional