Standard Hawley Retainer Orthodontic Model
Buyamag INC
Standard hawley retainer orthodontic appliance model popular design has a 3x3 labial bow with loops contacting the labial surface of the cuspids and crossing the occlusion between the cuspids and first bicuspids. Used .032 wire in the Maxillary arch and .028 in the mandibular.
Our standard Maxillary design uses ball clasps located mesial to the first molars; however, any type of clasping can be used to suit your needs. The Mandibular design features occlusal rests on the first molars and an .036 body wire for added strength.
Orthodontic retainer model features excellent demonstration and teaching tool for Orthodontic Dental Schools and Students who desired to learn, practice Orthodontic Techniques in Dental School, at home, on the go. This techniques a mast foundation of future professional orthodontic practice.