Weapons Of Mass Destructions Casualty Simulator Kit
Buyamag INC
Effective Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) treatment of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) or Chemical-Biological-Radiological-Nuclear-Environmental (CBRNE) weapons demands a well-trained staff and starts with early recognition of the hazards at the scene. This new kit from Simulaids contains multiple copies of several types of wounds associated with WMD or CBRNE attacks. The new face masks feature the release of fluids to mimic the physiological reaction associated with these agents, such as sweating, tearing, nasal discharge, and mouth excretions. The stick-on wounds show Improvised Explosive Device (IED) damage, a selection of wounds from our other kits, and various stages of disease states. These can be quickly applied to numerous personnel to get the exercise started with less labor. The new strap-on wounds include below-the-knee and below-the-elbow amputations, and other face masks with varying stages of small pox, anthrax, and chemical burns. The kit comes complete in a rugged carry case and includes the various make-up and accessories listed below so that you may tackle the first exercise without purchasing other supplies.
- Hand, Leg, Arm Amputation
- Anthrax Gas Burns, Small/Large/Medium-Mustard Gas, Multiple/Small Pox, Sarin
- 1st,2nd,3d Degree Burns, Burned Eyes, Fracture Humerus
- Magor Avulsion,Smal Sepsis-Exit Wound, IED Wound
- Blood Powder, Coagulant Blood,Sponges, 600 Tongue Depressors, Blue/Red,Brown,White Colors Body Paint,Atomiser,
- Rugged Carry Case ----- Included
- Size --- 21" x 12" x 10"
- Total of 147 items in the kit
Weight: 15 lbs.